There is a castle in Piedmont that makes you feel as if you are in a 19th-century novel.
It is the Miradolo Castle near Pinerolo, a fascinating small town at the entrance to the Chisone Valley, at the foot of the Alps, southwest of Turin.
Italian speaking practice and grammar tutoring
It is the Miradolo Castle near Pinerolo, a fascinating small town at the entrance to the Chisone Valley, at the foot of the Alps, southwest of Turin.
For weeks, I kept telling my husband that we absolutely had to plan a day trip there but somehow never found the right moment to go – until this past Saturday.
In February 2020, with incredible timing, I have subscribed to FAI, the National Trust for Italy, a non-profit organization whose main goal is to protect Italian places promoting their knowledge, care, and conservation.
It’s not that I don’t like Cinque Terre, I think they are one of the most beautiful areas in my region – and in Italy in general – but going there had recently become impossible. And it’s probably because I like Cinque Terre so much that I have always told people to avoid them: I didn’t want them to be disappointed by such a marvelous place.
We hope it will be soon but we have no clue. This makes writing about traveling a bit weird because you are giving recommendations to people who are not able to follow them – for the moment, at least.
Some of the most important attractions in the city are undoubtedly quite visible. For example, if you go to the city center, you can’t miss the Duomo even if you try to: if you get off at Duomo metro station, you will see it from every exit you decide to take.
Everybody said it was grey and depressing, a place where people would only think about working and making money because there was no real beauty around.
You know, we always hear many complaints about social media but so far I only have positive things to say about them – and about Instagram in particular. Social media are made by people and being able to connect to people who share your passions, your interests, your way of thinking, no matter where they live, is truly awesome.
Unlike many other kids in elementary school, I was not fascinated by Egyptian ancient history and culture, so the mandatory visit at the Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) was a bit boring for me. I could say that my teacher was not good at sparking my interest in the topic, while at the museum, but probably I was just not paying attention and only thinking about what we would do next.
I am a solitary person and I love spending time alone but when it comes to traveling, that’s a whole different story. If I travel alone, I tend to become anxious and feel the need to be with people. Moreover, when I visit a new place I really like to share what I see and feel with somebody else. [Read more…]