Are you ready for some new Italian idioms?
It’s been a while since I last posted about Italian idiomatic phrases but I have to admit I couldn’t find a proper topic. I have been thinking about an interesting unifying theme for idioms but I wasn’t able to find anything until, while writing down phrases for an Instagram project which will begin soon, I wrote the phrase essere al verde and I realized that colours could be a great topic for a post about Italian idioms.
So, here we are: this post about colours comes after two posts about idioms related to food, which I have written a while ago and which were followed by other two regarding animals and one focused on Italian idioms that have to do with numbers. As I have probably already told you before, I love writing this kind of posts because they are super fun but they are also a great way to take the time to reflect on my language and on expressions and phrases we native speakers use every day without really paying attention to them and their meaning.
As I did for the other posts, I listed all the idioms here, each one with a literal and an actual meaning, and I have also prepared a downloadable pdf file which contains some examples as well. This means that, if you download the file, you’ll find the list here below plus some phrases in Italian and English to show you the use of such idioms in context.
You can find the file in Your Italian Toolbox, a section of Instantly Italy where you’ll find Italian learning materials. You can get access to it by subscribing here.
But let’s dive in and discover these Italian idioms that have something to do with numbers.
Mangiare in bianco
Literal meaning: to eat in white
Actual meaning: to eat light, to eat plain food
Di punto in bianco
Literal meaning: at point in white
Actual meaning: all of a sudden, out of nowhere
Mettere nero su bianco
Literal meaning: to put black over white
Actual meaning: to write down things, to put on paper
Passare la notte in bianco
Literal meaning: to spend the night in white
Actual meaning: to have a sleepless night
Essere una mosca bianca
Literal meaning: to be a white fly
Actual meaning: to be the only one who is different
Firmare un assegno in bianco
Literal meaning: to sign a cheque in white
Actual meaning: to sign a cheque with no sum in it, a blank cheque
Settimana bianca
Literal meaning: white week
Actual meaning: a week you spend in the mountains, in winter, to ski or do winter sports
Vedere tutto nero
Literal meaning: to see all black
Actual meaning: to be very negative, very pessimistic
Essere la pecora nera della famiglia
Literal meaning: to be the black sheep of the family
Actual meaning: to be the one who behaves badly in the family
Essere incavolato nero
Literal meaning: to be black angry
Actual meaning: to be really angry
Essere d’umore nero
Literal meaning: to be in a black mood
Actual meaning: to be in a really bad mood
Lavorare in nero
Literal meaning: to work in black
Actual meaning: to work and be paid under the table, to work off the books
Cronaca nera
Literal meaning: black news
Actual meaning: crime news
Una giornata grigia
Literal meaning: a gray day
Actual meaning: a difficult day, a hard day
Essere al verde
Literal meaning: to be green
Actual meaning: to be broke, to have no money
Avere il pollice verde
Literal meaning: to have the green thumb
Actual meaning: to be very good with plants
Vedere i sorci verdi
Literal meaning: to see green mice
Actual meaning: to go through something very difficult
Essere verde dall’invidia
Literal meaning: to be green with envy
Actual meaning: to be really envious
Essere in rosso
Literal meaning: to be in red
Actual meaning: to be broke, to have no money (usually referred to a bank account)
Vedere rosso
Literal meaning: to see red
Actual meaning: to be very angry
Diventare rosso come un peperone
Literal meaning: to become red as a bell pepper
Actual meaning: to be embarrassed, to be ashamed
Essere rosso dalla vergogna
Literal meaning: to be red with shame
Actual meaning: to be ashamed, to be embarrassed
A luci rosse
Literal meaning: red light
Actual meaning: referred to things that have to do with porn
Vedere rosa
Literal meaning: to see pink
Actual meaning: to be very optimistic
Cronaca rosa
Literal meaning: pink news
Actual meaning: gossip news
Avere una paura blu
Literal meaning: to have a blue fear
Actual meaning: to be really scared
Avere il sangue blu
Literal meaning: to have blue blood
Actual meaning: to be of noble descent
Il principe azzurro
Literal meaning: light blue prince
Actual meaning: prince charming
Romanzi (o film) gialli
Literal meaning: yellow novels or movies
Actual meaning: crime novels or movies
Farne di tutti i colori
Literal meaning: to do things of every colour
Actual meaning: to behave badly
Now it’s your turn! Are there sayings in your language that have to do with colors? Let me know in the comments below!
As I told you at the beginning of this post, I have prepared a pdf file with all the words and phrases we learned together in this post. You can find it in Your Italian Toolbox, a section of Instantly Italy where you’ll find Italian learning materials. You can get access to it by subscribing here.
If you are interested in improving your Italian language skills, I’d suggest you check Chiacchieriamo, your way of chatting with an Italian without moving from home.
Chiacchieriamo is a Skype chat which helps you practice and improve your Italian with a native speaker. If you want to give it a try, you can request a 30-minute free chat, so that we can meet each other and see if you like the service.
John says
To have green fingers. Means to be good woth plants or gardening
cinzia says
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Tonina says
Ciao Cinzia, io insegno l’Italiano agli
Adulti ed e’ sempre un piacere leggere i tuoi blogs perche’ mi danno sempre buone idee e spunti per fare in classe,
ti ringrazio tanto!
Es. Essere la pecora nera – to be the black sheep of the family!
Ciao, Tonina
cinzia says
Uh, come sono felice, grazie mille!!!