I am always up for a fun game, let me confess you.
I have “met” Kris with a K via the amazing Blacksburg Belle and immediately liked her style and her work. She is a writer and a copywriting instructor and has a blog where she shares a lot of great tips and advice for writers and bloggers.
I read her blog religiously and, when I saw her Getting-to-Know-You game, I immediately decided to participate. I had such a great fun answering the questions and I thought this is could be great way for you to know me a little better. Therefore, I decided to take a break from my regular posts about Italy and its culture and do something different.
So, tell me, would you like to know a bit more about me? If so, keep on reading!
1 – What’s a ridiculous nickname you’ve had?
Well, I never had a ridiculous nickname – not that I am aware of, at least. But I remember someone calling me Cicci when I was a teenager and I hated it. I seriously did.
2 – Why do you write a blog? Have your reasons changed over time?
I have always loved writing, since I was a kid and had to write pensierini as an assignment in elementary school. Pensierini can be translated as “little thoughts” and were mainly focused on what I did during the day. Pensierini turned into diaries, lots of them, and then into a blog. I still have a personal blog, written in Italian, while this one is more business focused.
However, writing for this blog does not feel like work at all. I just think it is a perfect way for you to know me better – as in this post – and for me to share everything I know about Italian culture and lifestyle. I love it!
3 – Where do you like to be when you are writing?
If I could choose, I’d rather be outside, sitting on a blanket under a tree or at the beach. But sitting at my desk is far more comfortable, as I can’t imagine keeping the computer on my lap while at the beach.
4 – Peanut butter & __________.
Graham crackers. No doubts.
By the way, did you know that we are not used to eating peanut butter in Italy? When I was a kid, I had no idea of what it was. I tasted it the first time I went to the USA and fell in love with it. Nowadays, it is a bit easier to find it in grocery stores here as well, but there isn’t much choice.
6 – What does your Writing Process look like?
This is something I have to work on. I jot down notes here and there – when ideas come to my mind. Then I sit in front of the computer and start giving them some form. I have no editorial calendar at the moment, shame on me.
6 – What keeps you up at night?
Netflix has just arrived in Italy. Need I say more?
7 – What was your last online purchase? Did you hide it from anyone? (I see you, impulse buyers & shame shoppers)
My last online purchase was a 2016 planner and a calendar. I want to work hard next year and I need some supplies!
8 – What do you honestly think of elastic waistbands?
Definitely not a fan, for no specific reason.
9 – What blogs or magazines do you love to read? Why?
I read far too many blogs, I think I have an addiction. As I told you at the beginning, I read Kris’s blog because I find it very helpful in improving my writing skills and process.
I also love Joanna Goddard’s A cup of Jo, because it is a great magazine covering all kind of topics, and Jeanine Stewart’s Wonderings and Wanderings. I just adore her writing style and the pictures she takes are awesome.
From a business point of view, I always read Blacksburg Belle’s and Melissa Cassera’s blogs. They are full of precious business tips and have helped a great deal.
10 – What is your favourite way to express your creativity?
Photography, but I really need to improve my skills.
11 – DSLR or iPhone?
I love my old DSLR, which my husband bought ages ago, but I always find myself taking pictures with my iPhone because the DSLR is way too heavy and I tend to forget it at home.
12 – How do you feel about the semicolon? Do you have any feelings about punctuation marks, in general? (it’s ok if you don’t)
Semicolon? Well, I love it in Italian. In English, I have some doubts about its use.
13 – What is a skill you really want to learn?
If it were for me, I’d constantly be learning new things and skills.
With that said, I’d love to become a better photographer. But I’d also love to learn how to sew and make fresh homemade pasta. I know, I know, I am Italian, but I have absolutely no clue on how to make fresh pasta at home.
14 – Do you use a planner or journal to keep your life from derailing? What kind?
As I told you, I just bought the loveliest planner. I have always used Moleskines, but this year I wanted something more colorful.
And I also bought a nice little calendar, which was just too cute to leave it there.
15 – What does your dream Sunday look like?
I wake up with no alarm clock, but still with a full day in front of me. I take the dog for a long, nice walk. I come home, prepare some lunch and experiment with some new recipes.
I spend the afternoon in town, first at a photo exhibition and then at my favorite bookstore, browsing books and just enjoying the magical time there.
I meet with friends for a nice, long aperitivo together, chatting the evening away – the perfect ending of a weekend, getting ready for a new week ahead.
16 – Do you have a full-time business or a side hustle?
Full-time! I work full-time as a translator and Instantly Italy is my new adventure.
Let me confess you one thing: if Instantly Italy became my full-time business, I’d probably be the happiest person in the whole world. I am working on that. 🙂
17 – Coffee or tea?
Filtered coffee in the morning, espresso after lunch, tea in the afternoon. I guess the answer would be: both.
18 – What is your favourite outfit?
I love fashion, I really do, but I always end up wearing jeans and a pair of Converse. Almost all year round.
19 – What scares you?
The future. It’s always been like that.
20 – Cats or Dogs?
Do I really have to choose? I’d say dogs, just because I own one and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. But everytime I see a cat around, I can’t help but try to make friends.
And you? Do we have something in common? Let me know!
I’m participating in a Getting-to-Know-You game of 20 Questions with Kris (With a K) from the With a K Writing Academy. I’m excited to get to know my own blog-readers better & to find other bloggers to play with too. You know – friends who just get it. If you want to participate, you can too! Just go to check out Kris’s post about it here, & get started.
Lovely to “meet” you through Kris’ blog game! I;m American but living in Italy now, so it’s interesting to find your blog… small world!
It’s so great to meet you! Where exactly do you live in Italy? I wanna know everything! 🙂
I’m in Tuscany literally between Pisa and Florence in small town Montopoli Val d’arno! I definitely need to work on an about page for my website!
As you are Italian, I’d have thought your answer to no 4 would have been “peanut butter and Nutella” – it’s great on toast.
Uh, I have never tried that combination! I’ll definite give it a chance. 🙂