Instantly Italy is turning five this week and I almost can’t believe it!
Five years ago, about this time, I was waiting patiently for my webmaster to tell me that everything was ready and that we could go live. My dream was coming true but I have to admit that I had no vision for the future in my mind.
As I told you in a birthday post I published two years ago, I have launched Instantly Italy without an actual plan – exactly the opposite of what all business consultants advise – and I was just happy to have my own website and a blog where I could share all the things I knew about the Italian language and about my country.
Honestly, I would never have imagined that Instantly Italy would become my job, which is what finally happened last year, as I told you in my 4th birthday post – I love the fact that these kinds of birthday posts are becoming a tradition! I admit I had that dream somewhere inside my heart but it seemed so big for me that I had never seriously taken it into consideration.
But here we are, five years, 195 posts and 225 newsletters later. How many words have I written? How many thoughts have I shared? How many topics have I tackled? I have no clue. I must admit that I am scared to wake up one day and find out that my creativity has run dry and that I won’t be able to post something interesting or useful anymore.
This is a very scary thought, I have to say, but I need to come to terms with it. Thank God, for the moment I still have a lot of ideas and things I want to share with you. And I have to thank you for this. If I keep on having ideas, coming up with creative projects, listing down things about the Italian language and culture I want to focus on, it is because of you.
It’s your incredible passion for my country and our language that gives me a lot of energy and willingness to always find new ways to help you learn the language and dive deeper into the culture. When I am tired, after a long day of teaching and planning content and when it seems I don’t have anything more to say, I always get a comment or an email or a question that shows how much you care about the Italian language and culture and I immediately regain a lot of strength.
As I said above, these posts about the birthday of Instantly Italy are becoming a tradition. This is something I really like because it gives me a way to celebrate and to reflect on what I have done until now but mainly because it is a perfect moment to say thank you. Because, as cheesy as it may seem, Instantly Italy won’t be here without you.
Without your enthusiasm, your energy, your constant support and your appreciation for my work, I won’t be able to call this adventure my job. This is why now it’s my time to say thank you! I wish I could hug you and toast with a glass of Ligurian wine, but this virtual world doesn’t allow me to do it, so I have to find another way to celebrate.
So, as I always do, I’ve decided to give you a discount on some of my products and specifically on the first products I’ve launched, when I opened this website, which will always have a very special meaning for me.
So I have picked Be Italian For A Month, the monthly e-course that gives you an insight into Italian culture and way of life, one email a day, and Be Italian Deluxe Edition, a package that includes Be Italian For A Month and Be Italian For A Year, a virtual gap year in Italy that gives you the opportunity to learn more about Italian culture, one email a week for 52 weeks.
Since I am a small business, it is difficult for me to make discounts throughout the year and sometimes I feel bad about that, so I am very happy to be able to do that now. Instantly Italy is turning five, after all, and it needs some proper celebration, so you’ll get a lovely 50% off the two products below (click on the button if you want to get them).
Be Italian For a Month, a 30-day virtual tour throughout the Italian culture, which will give you the opportunity of learning more about the Italian way of life, is 19 USD instead of 39.
Be Italian Deluxe Edition, which includes Be Italian For a Month and Be Italian For a Year, a year-long deep dive into Italian culture and way of life, is 44 USD instead of 88.
(The offer lasts this week only, until next Thursday, March 5th at midnight Central European Time, so grab it while you can, if you are interested!)
Hilary Smith says
Buon compleanno! Apprezzo sempre il tuo blog che ha molto varietà e soprattutto le pagine Instagram con il vocabolario. Grazie mille
Ilene Modica says
Congratulations! It is amazing how time can fly. Great job… keep up the great work!
Loredana Koski says
Auguri per i tuoi cinque anni di esistenza. E un traguardo molto importante dove si può guardare dietro e vedere quanta strada è stata fatta per arrivare a questo punto. Mi piace tanto questo sito perché imparare parole e frasi nuove e mi spingono di andare avanti. C’è tanta varietà canzoni, storie dell’Italia, ricette e di più. Grazie a te Cinzia per aver creato questo sito.
cinzia says
Sono davvero felice che quello che faccio ti piaccia e che sia utile!
Un abbraccio